Biyernes, Agosto 24, 2012

Design Process

Ever since I was young, designing is already my hobby. Rooms, clothes, shoes, bags, notebooks, scrapbooks and different stuffs are what I like to design until now. Every time I design, I don’t consider the guidelines in designing-what should be consider and not to consider, colors to render, and many more. How I design stuffs are base on what I think is beautiful, cute and looks good.  But that was before, when I was just a kid, when drawing doesn’t need to have shadings nor shadows.

Now that I am studying architecture, currently on my second year,  and now designing houses which is far away from what I design when I was young, I can say that I am more knowledgeable.  Since I was also enrolled in a program where advanced planning and designing is being taught to which is called ARCDES 1 (Architectural Design 1) I already know the guidelines and parameters in making a good design.  Our professors in major courses taught us what to consider in planning a good design. We need to consider the site, its background and its history because it is where the plan will materialize, we also need to consider the materials that will be used and that will last a lifetime, budget of the clients and lastly we need to associate the opinions of our clients in our design because their opinions are the focal point of what we are trying to build.

Every time I design, I always get inspirations from the works of different architects that were often introduce to us, like Zaha Hadid, Alvar Aalto, Rem Koolhas, Frank Lloyd Wright and many more. But the architect that I really look up to is Architect Frank Owen Gehry, He is a contemporary artist but most of his works falls within the style of Deconstructivism which is often referred to as post-structuralist in nature for its ability to go beyond current modalities of structural definition. His famous designs are the “Guggenheim Museum” in Bilbao, Spain and the “Walt Disney Concert Hall” in downtown Los Angeles. 

His works are very simple yet very creative in his own way, it always leaves me speechless whenever I see his works, most especially the Walt Disney Concert Hall. I can’t believe that he got that idea from a crumpled paper. Such a genius! Frank Gehry’s design are very playful, and free flowing, it looks like his pen is doing the sketches alone. Base on my observation, he design by doing some free flowing sketches first then he will think of what for is the sketches he made, what is its function. I think that we have the same design process, very free flowing at the same time very unique.

If ever I will become an architect someday I would like to design structures that is new to the eyes of everyone. I want people to have that awe feeling every time they see my designs, I am not saying that I like people to really look up to me, I just want them to be impress and to appreciate my works as well. I know that I still have a long way to reach my goals in life but I’m willing to surpass it all, I’m willing to sacrifice everything for I know someday that all my hard works will pay off. I like to end this blog by sharing with you a quote from the architect that really inspires me and the artist that I really look up to, Frank Gehry.

“Your best work is your expression of yourself. Now, you may not be the greatest at it, but when you do it, you’re the only expert.

Martes, Hunyo 12, 2012

Brutalist Architecture: The Cultural Centre of the Philippines.

Last Wednesday, we tackled about Brutalist architecture.  Brutalist Architecture is a style of architecture which flourished from the 1950s to the mid 1970s.  Brutalist buildings usually are formed with striking repetitive angular geometries, are typically very linear, fortress like and blockish, and usually made of concrete. Since one way to understand what has been explained to us is to see the site personally, our prof asked us to visit the Cultural Centre of the Philippines or CCP because it is one of the popular brutalist architecture in the Philippines. 

The Cultural Center of the Philippines or commonly known as CCP is a structure designed by a well known architect, Leandro V. Locsin. It is also a corporation established to promote arts and culture in the Philippines. The CCP was established by President Ferdinand Marcos in 1966. The CCP provides artistic programs like performances, festivals, exhibitions, cultural research, outreach, preservation, and publication of materials on Philippine art and culture. It is also an example of Leandro V. Locsin’s signature style known as the floating volume.

So yesterday, June 11, 2012 we visited the CCP. It wasn't my second time to see and experience the CCP but it still give me that awe factor. My first time to see CCP is when we watched Mamma Mia. The CCP is one of the brutalist architecture in the Philippines because it has the characteristics of a brutalist building. From a far you can already notice its roughness without even touching its surface, it also has a blocky appearance, and it is also very linear. The structure is covered with pebble-washed which gives it an impression of roughness. My favorite part of the CCP was the floating volume of the facade because it gives me the feeling of being secured and welcomed at the same time. It is also my favorite part because of it curves which contrast the massive block on top which is the cantilever. It is also my favorite part because it has double purpose, not only for the sake to showcase a beautiful and elegant facade but I think it also serves as a waiting shed. we can stay there when it is raining or when it is hot. The facade is made up of long slabs that is suspended 12 meters high. The huge slab is filled up with tiles and concrete.

Above all, the trip was very educational, I've learn to appreciate buildings in a professional manner, not just appreciate it by looking at its physical characteristics, but also looking and identifying materials used in it. The CCP is a structure that must be preserving and be promoted because it is one of the best structures in the Philippines. i hope that the government will help maintain this magnificent structure of our country.

Linggo, Mayo 27, 2012


What is Architecture? According to the web, architecture is  both the process and product of planning, designing and construction. But for me, as a sophomore architecture student, I define architecture as the profession that gives you the ability to turn those wildest imaginations into reality, the career which gives you the freedom to design and build beyond impossible.

Way back highschool, I never thought of myself taking up architecture, because what I really want to take up and be successful at is in the fields of broadcasting, journalism or anything related to communications. But as I entered 4th year high school, drawing became my hobby and one day I realized that I want to be an artist, a designer perhaps. So I decided that I will take up multimedia arts (because I read that journalism is part of their curriculum) at De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde, because it is known for that course. Luckily, I passed the entrance exam and as I was going to enroll, my sister told me that maybe it will be better if I will take up architecture instead of multimedia arts because the curriculum is just the same and because we have a construction business so if hopefully I was able to graduate, I can help in establishing our business. Since I cannot do anything (since my dad also want me to be an architect) I was forced to take up this course, I was forced to throw away my dreams of becoming a broadcaster and an artist. 

As I say hello to architecture.  Fears, doubts, frustrations and weakness also said hi. Whenever I get low scores on my plates and reporting I tend to lose hope. I often think that maybe this is not for me and that maybe it will be better if i will just shift course before it is too late. But weeks pass by in our class; I was able to see and discover that architecture is not bad after all. The “fears” and "frustrations" that I have before, is slowly fading away. I realized that if I will just try my hardest and give my 101% efforts to my course, then I will be good at it and that It will be easy for me to deal with all those archi stuffs.

It’s been a year since I first entered Benilde and decided to study architecture. And as of now, my 4th term of studying architecture, as I meet a lot of people, as I absorbed architectural information’s, I can say that it is more fun studying architecture.  I know that architecture is not an ordinary course; it is very different from other courses because it requires a lot of characteristics and personality you should have but I am willing to take all the risk because I know in the end, hopefully when I get my college diploma, I can be proud of myself, I can help in establishing our company and that I could prove those people who once taught that I will not be successful in my chosen career wrong.  If ever I would be a license architect, I would like to design contemporary houses or buildings. Contemporary architecture is the building style of the present day. I like to focus my design on this style because I would like people to know that the present is very important and if without present, there is no future. I also like this style because I love expansive windows and high ceilings and I think this is one of the characteristics of a contemporary house. My favourite contemporary artist is Frank Gehry, his works are very simple yet very creative in his own way, it always leave me speechless whenever I see his works, most especially the Walt Disney Concert Hall. I can’t believe that he got that idea from a crumpled paper. Such a genius!

 I still have a long way before reaching my goal, to be a known architect. What I am experiencing right now is just the 1/8 of my journey. But whatever difficulties I will encounter for the next years, I am willing to surpass all of it, I am willing to learn and sacrifice because my family is my inspiration. I would like to end this blog by sharing with you one of  Sir Winston Churchil’s quote, “We shape our buildings: thereafter  they shape us.” , it explains to us that we became the persons we are today because of our experiences.